Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yoga Day 19

I'm here! I'm here! I am still going at it strong.  My body is feeling a little tired but I think that is a combination of my new job of policing nose pickers and biters, yoga and the rest of life.  I love my new job, although when my students are around I have to be 100% aware and present of what ALL of them are doing...turn your head for a moment and someone might be putting something inappropriate in their someone elses arm or headphones.  Yoga has been helping my focus and my time management.  If I really want to do it everyday I need to plan for it.  Corepower is great for a busy schedule because it offers yoga non-stop and has a variety of studios to choose from so planning just takes a few minutes.  I have gone to the 6am class a couple times this week.  This is a great stretch in the morning...but a challenge because you need to be awake and aware to be able to balance.  The second day was definitely easier than the first day where I felt like I was unable to balance standing up straight with two feet on the ground.  Still no internet but I am working that out with my provider and will soon be up and running and maybe offering more insightful and thoughtful posts not just rushed ones letting you know I am still around and still going for my goal.

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